Nature Palace Community Botanic Garden (NPBG)

NPBG was started in 2004 with a special focus on medicinal plants that are crucial for the treatment of common ailments in the local community, which are now becoming less and less accessible due to a number factors which include deforestation, agricultural expansion, urbanization etc..

NPGB’s Conservation priorities are largely informed by identified community needs.

In 2005, NPBG was registered as a participant in the world-wide implementation of the International Agenda in support of Plant Conservation, Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development.

NPBG is administered by Nature Palace Foundation (NPF)

Key Components

Medicinal Plants Propagation and Conservation

Propagation and Conservation of medicinal plants identified by the community or those with significance conservation value but facing a level of threat.

Home-herbal Gardens

The Home herbal Gardens is an initiative aimed at counteracting the rapid loss of plant resources and promoting participation of community members in conservation of species while upholding their knowledge and appreciation of medicinal plants.  The initiative involves growing of medicinal plants in households as home or backyard gardens. 

Participating households identify species they use most in treatment of common ailments and grow them so that next time they need them they don’t have to go out looking for them in the wild – where chances are that they may fail to get them when they need them. 

 Young Nature Lovers’ Program

Aims to interest young people to love Nature and Conservation Programs.  Activities:

  1. Guided Family visits to the Garden
  2. Edu-toursim – School education tours and Conservation education Programs
  • Hiking for young People
  1. Computer Centre
    • Eco-system restoration


  • 120 Species Collections
  • Weekly Conservation Education Programs


  1. Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
  2. Tooro Botanic Garden
  • Makerere University
  1. Global Green Grants Fund